
If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization f

The Big 3 Special Issue of Solidarity Magazine is now online!

Walter Reuther can be said to have done more for more American workers than any other leader in the labor movement. He spent his life ensuring American workers have a voice at the table with management, a voice still exercised today by workers in contract negotiations that will affect millions of working families. 

"While the UAW welcomes the $700 million in Ohio investment outside of Lordstown, Ohio, it is not forgotten that UAW members, their families and citizens in the Mahoning Valley invested in General Motors in its darkest days to allow for the record profits that GM is making in recent years. The people of the Mahoning Valley deserve a solid, secure job investment that no start-up, dependent on federal contracts, can bring to the Valley. UAW members and the community deserve a GM product investment at Lordstown."

There was a dedication ceremony  held on March 25, 2019 at the Rochester, New York train station.

This dedication ceremony was held in memory of Congresswoman Louise Mcintosh Slaughter who was instrumental in securing federal funding for the Rochester Train Station to make it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and to honor the previous design of renowned architect Claude  Bragdon.

Lt. Gov Kathy Hochul was in attendance for this special dedication as well as Senator Schumer who continues to show his support of Labor.

Collective bargaining is the process in which a group of workers comes together and negotiates the terms of their contracts with one voice. Making their demands, together. Making a promise that whatever is offered to one will be rejected unless it is offered to all.

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Solidarity Magazine now on line for Jan -March 2019 and Spring Summer 2019

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 2023 UAW Vehicle Guide

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Take a look at the guide and make a choice that’s good for our entire economy. Buy union today!