Bargaining Updates

On June 4, 2024, we will begin bargaining talks with Cornell University. Stay tuned for updates here.

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Sisters, Brothers and Siblings,

Good afternoon, Sisters, Brothers, and Siblings,

Sisters, Brothers, and Siblings,

Happy Red Shirt Wednesday!

We realized that July will be a very busy month for us - are we ready?!

 We tentatively agreed on language in Article 37, WORK OUT OF GRADE, ARTICLE 12, DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE, and 2  items for ARTICLE 24, INCLEMENT WEATHER.

 We argued again about the onboarding process. It is too important to not prioritize this issue.

Dear Sisters, Brothers and Siblings,

In today's session, we brought counter demands for Article 8 (UNION REPRESENTATION), Article 12 (HEALTH AND SAFETY), and Article 31 (SICK, HEALTH CARE AND PERSONAL LEAVE). There were heated exchanges over Accruals and Inclement Weather; also a return to normalcy in the new hire Union onboarding process.

Sisters, Brothers and Siblings,

We had a productive day at the table today, we tentatively agreed on language for Article 35 that addresses sudden schedule changes. We presented counters for non-economics including LOU B (2 items), Article 37, and Article 12 (2 items).

We received several counter proposals from Cornell for our consideration including accrual language, Letter of Understanding C, Dining, Article 12, Article 37, LOU B, and an amendment to an Article 17 proposal earlier submitted to the UAW team. We also discussed Article 13 Health and Safety.

Sisters, Brothers, and Siblings,

Cornell stated that they saw our video and agreed that we are the "Heart, soul and backbone of Cornell", and that they will take it to heart to better respond to the Union's interests and requests, including COLA. More to come! 

Sisters, Brothers and Siblings,

Today's session brought demands for new language in previously unmentioned areas, including

-Equipment Operations, Lynah Rink
-Oxley Equestrian Center
-SCL Maintenance
-SCL Facilities

We countered on Article 8, UNION REPRESENTATION language which severely restricted our ability to carry out union business. 


In Solidarity,
UAW Local 2300 Bargaining Team

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We wanted to provide you with an update on today's negotiation session with the employer. We are pleased to report that the employer responded to a significant number of the demands we presented in yesterday's discussions.

There was a productive and healthy dialogue between both parties, allowing us to delve deeper into the issues at hand. Both sides engaged in in-depth questions and answers, which has helped clarify various points and will assist us in formulating our responses.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are excited to share an update on Negotiations, where we met on Statler Sub-Council demands and Non-Economic demands. The Statler Sub-Council demands consist of improvements to shoes, tipped wage benefits, and memorializing meal language. The Non-economic demands we have submitted to the employer as part of our contract negotiations are proposals that focus on improving onboarding procedures, ensuring timely and fair job vacancy processes, and strengthening our health and safety standards.

Brothers and Sisters,

We have submitted several sub-council demands.

· Clothing and shoe allowances

· Vehicle allowances

· New area mentions for specific bargaining including Lab of Ornithology, Transportation, Milk Plant