UAW Local 2300 Professional Staff Association/Tompkins County Public Library | Bargaining Day Two

UAW Local 2300 Professional Staff Association/Tompkins County Public Library | Bargaining Day Two
March 12, 2025
2-5:00 pm
TCPL UAW PSA Siblings,
Our second session of PSA bargaining update:
Management Attendees: Peter Jones, outside counsel; Kathy Weinberg, President, Board of Trustees; Tonya VanCamp, TCPL Business Manager
Labor Attendees: Christine Johnson, President UAW Local 2300, Lonnie Everett, UAW Region 9 International Representative, Jeremy Jordan, Regina DeMauro, Joyce Wheatley, UAW PSA Bargaining Team.
Observer from UAW SSA: Shelby Buche
The UAW PSA team is committed to open and transparent bargaining and agrees to give members regular updates. The team also agrees to negotiate only when ¾ of the PSA negotiating team members are present.
Management returned with counter proposals to demands 1-4 presented by the UAW PSA team at the first bargaining day.
Demand 1:
4. A. The Library and the Association will administer their obligations under
this contract in a manner which shall be fair and impartial to all employees
and shall not discriminate against any employee by reason of race, color, sex,
religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, ex-offender status,
Vietnam Era Veteran status, veteran status, military service, sexual orientation,
pregnancy status, gender identity, or genetic information.
Demand 2
4. E. The employee and the Association representative shall be permitted to
attend any formal grievance, arbitration, or hearings without loss of pay. The
Association representative shall notify the Library Director as soon as
possible when scheduled to attend these hearings. Grievance hearings for
members shall be held during a mutually agreed upon time, within the
employee’s scheduled work hours.
Demand 3
4.F. The Association shall have the right to post notices and communications
on the bulletin boards maintained on the premises and in the facilities of the
library, subject to the approval of such notices by with notification to the
Library Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Demand 4 (new language) [Library opposed to new section I]
4.I: Association representative or another appointed member may attend the
monthly Board of Trustees meeting without loss of pay.
Additionally, management proposed an edit to Article 4, RECIPROCAL RIGHTS D
The Association agrees that it and its members will restrict the amount of necessary Association activity conducted on Library time to the lowest possible minimum. Excluding contract negotiations, and agrees to use everything in its power to prevent abuses of using Library time privilege and to advise its member when necessary of any abuses of this privilege. Library time allotted for this purpose shall be limited to no more than 35 hours per calendar year. All hours used for Association activity must be requested at least 24 hours in advance if possible and reported weekly to supervisors by email and labeled as such on timecards.
The UAW PSA team caucused after receiving the counter proposals and agreed on a response:
Demand 1:
4. A. The Library and the Association will administer their obligations under
this contract in a manner which shall be fair and impartial to all employees
and shall not discriminate against any employee by reason of race, color, sex,
religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, ex-offender status,
Vietnam Era Veteran status, veteran status, military service, sexual orientation,
pregnancy status, gender identity, or genetic information, citizenship, immigration status, and familial status.
UAW Counter
D. The Association agrees that it and its members will restrict the amount of necessary Association activity conducted on Library time to the lowest possible minimum. Excluding contract negotiations, and agrees to use everything in its power to prevent abuses of using Library time privilege and to advise its member when necessary of any abuses of this privilege. Library time allotted for this purpose shall be limited to no more than 35 hours per calendar year. All hours used for Association activity must be requested at least 24 hours in advance if possible and reported weekly to supervisors by email and labeled as such on timecards.Association activity hours usage shall be reported during labor/management meetings in summary form.
Demand 2
4. E. The employee and the Association representative shall be permitted to
attend any formal grievance, arbitration, or hearings without loss of pay. The
Association representative shall notify the Library Director as soon as
possible when scheduled to attend these hearings. Grievance hearings for
members shall be held during a mutually agreed upon time, within the
employee’s scheduled work hours.
Demand 3
4.F. The Association shall have the right to post notices and communications
on the bulletin boards maintained on the premises and in the facilities of the
library, subject to the approval of such notices bywith notification to the
Library Director,which approval shall bot be unreasonable withheld.and in accordance with New York State and Federal Law.
UAW Counter (withdraw original demand)
Demand 4
4.I: Association representative or another appointed member may attend the
monthly Board of Trustees meeting without loss of pay.
4.I The Library agrees to record and make publicly available unabridged audio/visual recordings of the monthly Board of Trustees meeting within two weeks.
Management submitted an additional demand:
Each employee's time records card shall be recorded filled out daily, in ink, and it shall be signed by the employee on the last day of their work week unless prevented by reason of absenteeism. Time in and out shall be recorded each day as a basis for calculating inconvenience pay.
UAW PSA team caucused after submitting revised demands and receiving management's new demand. Our next meeting is on March 19 from 2-5 pm. The bargaining team will be seeking out member feedback on the proposal for Article 7) TIME CARDS with consideration to different styles of electronic time keeping. Please let us know if you have any questions.
In solidarity,
UAW PSA Bargaining Team