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As UAW members get involved in the communities where they live, they have a deep impact not just on their workplaces and their families, but on our nation. For UAW Administrative Assistant to President Rory L. Gamble, Allen Wilson, that meant a front row seat in the national spotlight as he served on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers.

The stakes? Who will be our nation’s next president.

Detroit - “Enough. Voters in Wayne County, Michigan and throughout this country should know that their votes aren’t subject to some arcane public relations spectacle using the courts and legislative procedures as a hammer to deprive them of their personal Constitutional rights to vote.

Today, in the ultimate insult to voters, the two leaders of Michigan’s Legislature are headed to the White House for an arm-twisting to artfully try to deny the counting of their legitimate votes.

Local 2209 Sends $100k to Vietnam Wall Project with More to Come Members of Local 2209 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, consider it part of their job to make sure the public fully appreciates the sacrifices made more than a half century ago in Vietnam.

Detroit - “In a challenging year, UAW members during this time of national crisis have pulled together to safely and productively make some of the finest quality vehicles and trucks in the world. This profit statement reflects our UAW members’ commitment to safety as they returned to the plant this spring, and their dedication to the quality and craftsmanship that is second to none.”q

Detroit - UAW International President Rory L. Gamble has received lifetime achievement awards from the Detroit Chapter NAACP and the Western Wayne County NAACP this month honoring his and UAW’s commitment to the fight for social justice.

Gamble, the UAW’s first African American International President, said he was humbled and honored by the award. “This confirms that the work we do at the UAW in fighting for social justice and the rights and dignity of all Americans is recognized by our community.”

Since its inception, since we got here as a nation, America has been about the right to allow its citizens to pick and choose our best and most qualified people for public office. We took a while to get here. We started out with some states allowing only white male adult property owners to vote, with non-whites and women and non-property owners on the outside looking in.

By Ray Curry Vote! I cannot say it any simpler or say it enough. Vote to restore government for the people, by the people; vote to preserve our threatened middle class; vote for America’s workers by voting for an America that works; vote up and down the ballot and vote union blue.