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UAW Local 3303, members at AK Steel in Butler, PA, got together, raised money, and built a shed for a camp in the community for CHILDREN.

There's a pension in your future, Bugas," said the picket sign of one old worker who marched in support of the UAW drive for pensions for workers in 1949.


V-CAP is the UAW’s political action fund made up of voluntary contributions from UAW members, retirees and their families. The money is used to support pro-worker political candidates who have earned the endorsement of the UAW Community Action Program (CAP).



LU 1097  took to the streets with many youth groups in rochester ny. A few of the groups involved were "youth for change," kid's corner, "#ROC royals for change".  after a shout out to  their uaw brothers and sisters from lu1097 to come out and wear any uaw shirt they had to represent their local and to let the community see that they were there, their voices were  heard, they were visable, and that they cared it showed the community if they all worked together it would be better for all! Great job!

As demand for his Model T skyrocketed, Henry Ford embarked on an ambitious project to build the world's largest industrial complex. The Ford Rouge Plant in Dearborn, Michigan, housed everything needed for automobile production in one massive complex – from refining raw materials to assembly line.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recently released its 2017 Infrastructure Report Card giving the U.S. a D+. The infrastructure is made up of sectors like aviation, bridges, drinking water, education, electricity, roads and rail.

Today is Father's Day in the U.S., a special day we reserve to honor our fathers and all they do for their families and for society. Father’s Day is celebrated at different times around the world and didn’t become a national holiday here until 1972.

The UAW’s core values affect everything we are and do: how we bargain, how we endorse candidates, how we conduct ourselves and how we treat each other.