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“There are many challenges in the auto industry today and we hope that this will bring opportunities for growth that will benefit UAW members and our communities,” said UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada, Director of the UAW FCA Department.

“We know that FCA North America production is highly profitable and there is minimal product overlap at this time. We look forward to hearing more details in the future and working together to continue to make FCA a success and bring about job security for our members.”

DETROIT - “During the recent round of Collective Bargaining, thousands of UAW members, their families and communities sacrificed to achieve job security for quality, good-paying jobs at their plants,” said UAW Vice President Terry Dittes, Director of the UAW-GM Department.

“Today’s announcement of a $1 billion investment will retain 4,000 jobs and shows commitment for a future mid-size truck in Wentzville. This is a testament to the quality of UAW work at Wentzville and the solidarity UAW members have shown to preserve and grow good-paying jobs here in America.”

DETROIT – UAW FCA US members ratified the 2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement by overall 71% (Hourly 74%; Skilled Trades 59%; Salary Bargaining Unit 67%), the UAW announced this evening.

“Every full-time production employee currently at FCA will be at top rate by the end of this four-year agreement,” said Cindy Estrada, UAW Vice President and Director of the UAW FCA Department. “All temporary workers now have a defined pathway to full time and top pay as well.”

“UAW members have opposed NAFTA since its inception a quarter century ago because they feared it would lead to the closing of countless manufacturing plants throughout our country and the moving of hundreds of thousands of good U.S. jobs to Mexico. Time has unfortunately proven UAW members right and it is for this very reason we welcomed the renegotiation of NAFTA (also known as USMCA) and pushed for more to be done...
Detroit -- The UAW International Executive Board (IEB) voted on December 5 to merge the states represented by UAW Region 5 between UAW Regions 4 and 8. This merger will be effective February 28, 2020.

DETROIT - The UAW International Executive Board met Thursday and named Acting President Rory Gamble to fill the vacancy of President until the June 2022 Convention.

“This is an honor to complete my career and serve the members of this great union in this capacity,” said Gamble. “This wasn’t planned and it is a tall order. There are difficult decisions that will need to be made in the coming months for our members. But I promise one thing, when I retire and turn over this office, we will deliver a clean union on solid footing.”

Detroit – The National UAW-FCA Council convened today and voted to send the proposed hourly and salary Tentative Agreements with FCA for a ratification vote of UAW members. In doing so, the UAW released details of the tentative agreements as approved by the UAW-FCA National Negotiators and the Council.

The National UAW-FCA Council consists of FCA local leaders nationwide.

Local Unions will now proceed with informational meetings and ratification votes at all FCA local unions to be held beginning Friday, December 6.

Detroit – The UAW announced today that hourly workers, both production and skilled trades, have reached a proposed tentative agreement with FCA US LLC.