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Picket Line DOs and DON'Ts

Amy Kloc
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Remember the point of picketing is...

1.) To involve the community in pressuring the employer to enter into a fair Collective Bargaining Agreement with you.

2.) Peacefully keep other people from working for the employer.


  • Assume that everything related to the picketing is being videotaped and act accordingly.
  • Picket in an orderly fashion, in a safe area, with your fellow Union members.
  • Keep moving and maintain adequate space between pickets to allow for access through company entrances and gates, even if you are telling someone the story of why the Union is picketing.
  • Do not block cars from entering or exiting the plant.
  • Stay on public property (I.E.  sidewalks and grass).
  • Be careful not to distract drivers in a manner that will cause them to be unsafe.
  • Wear safe, bright, weather-appropriate clothing and footwear, especially Union apparel.  At night, be sure your clothing is reflective or light-colored.
  • Arrive 30 minutes prior to your shift.
  • Follow the instructions of your Strike Captain.
  • Follow the instructions of the police and public safety personnel, including firefighters and emergency personnel.  Introduce yourself to the police officer on duty.  You can ask the police to control traffic.
  • You have the right to call a strike breaker “scab” or “lousy scab,” but do not cuss or make racist or sexist remarks about a scab.
  • Peacefully attempt to persuade other individuals to honor the picket and support the strike.
  • Explain that you are striking because Cornell is threatening your livelihood by not giving a fair contract.  Have detailed points available if they ask.
  • Ask residents to write Cornell and ask them to settle the Contract.
  • Ask your friends, family, and other workers to support us by providing food for pickers, and talking to others in the community in a friendly manner about why we are picketing.
  • Thank everyone for their support.
  • Be polite.
  • Prepare catchy simple chants to involve passersby and to serve as a nonconfrontational response to hecklers.
  • Follow your assigned picket schedule.
  • Tell anyone disrupting the picket line or refusing to follow these rules to leave.  If the person will not do so voluntarily, record and otherwise document that you asked him/her nicely to leave and why then get your Strike Captain to step in and peacefully handle the situation.  Beware that this person may be trying to provoke you or be looking for an excuse to make a scene.
  • Make a record of and/or video any unusual incidents of injuries, accidents, or arrests, with the date, time, place, description, and people involved.
  • Communicate with Union officials (your Strike Captain, Union officers).  They should know if you are threatened or whenever something significant occurs or if you have a question or concern about how to handle something.
  • Picket only the employer being struck and the workers performing the work of the employer being struck.


  • Do not provoke an arrest: no violence or lawbreaking.
  • Do not carry a weapon, even if you have a license to carry.
  • Do not block entrances or exits.
  • Do not warn a line crosser, “We know where you live and we’re coming to get you.”
  • Do not get into a heated confrontation with anyone.
  • Do not throw rocks or bottles.
  • Do not bang on a scab’s car with a picket sign or otherwise damage a scab’s property.
  • Do not vandalize the plant.
  • Do not spit on scabs. 
  • Do not place nails on the road.
  • If you are threatened by a scab or management, do not respond in kind.  Record the incident and report it immediately to your Strike Captain or other Union officials (and possibly to the police). 
  • Do not speak with security or management about Union issues.
  • Do not wear your picket sign away from the picket line.
  • Do not engage hecklers or troublemakers.
  • Do not argue with other picketers.  If you have a problem, talk to the Strike Captain.
  • Do not interfere with traffic beyond what pedestrians are normally entitled to do.
  • Do not use foul or abusive language near the picket lines.
  • Do not use any derogatory language regarding a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.
  • Do not physically touch any persons approaching or crossing picket lines.
  • Do not make any statements to police, reporters, TV/radio, managers, or security agents.  Refer all questions to the Strike Captain or Local Union officers.
  • Do not litter.  Keep the area clean by only putting trash in the designated trash containers.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or bring any nonprescription drugs with you to picket duty.
  • Do not bring barbecue grills, card tables, speakers, or anything party-related to the gates.  You are welcome to come to the union hall parking lot if you would like to grill or socialize after your strike duty.