Bargaining Update 6/17/2024

Sisters, Brothers, and Siblings,

Cornell stated that they saw our video and agreed that we are the "Heart, soul and backbone of Cornell", and that they will take it to heart to better respond to the Union's interests and requests, including COLA. More to come! 

At today's session, we responded to 2 large non-economic proposals around accruals and SCL summer scheduling.
We agreed tentatively to cell phone policy language for volunteer firefighters and EMTs, and 4 a.m. start time language in the academic side of FCS (Facilities and Campus Services). We also received from Cornell new sub-council proposals for SCL and FCS to consider. 

A QR code to sign up for updates is coming very soon - stay tuned!

In solidarity,

UAW Local 2300 Bargaining Committee
Attendee panel closed