Bargaining Update 6/11/2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are excited to share an update on Negotiations, where we met on Statler Sub-Council demands and Non-Economic demands. The Statler Sub-Council demands consist of improvements to shoes, tipped wage benefits, and memorializing meal language. The Non-economic demands we have submitted to the employer as part of our contract negotiations are proposals that focus on improving onboarding procedures, ensuring timely and fair job vacancy processes, and strengthening our health and safety standards.

Key elements include enhancements to the onboarding process to ensure new hires are well-informed about their union membership and rights. We are also advocating for a more structured and fair process for filling job vacancies, prioritizing seniority and qualifications.

Additionally, we have proposed measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees through several comprehensive Health and Safety proposals. These demands are aimed at creating a more supportive and equitable working environment for everyone.

We appreciate your continued support and solidarity as we work towards achieving the best possible outcomes for all members.

In Solidarity,