
If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization f

The Big 3 Special Issue of Solidarity Magazine is now online!

Every dollar is a vote. When we spend our hard-earned dollars on union-made and USA-made goods, we vote for a strong labor movement and a thriving national economy. We show solidarity every time we support goods and services produced by our hardworking sisters and brothers. This guide celebrates the excellence of UAW members. You may browse the products and services provided by UAW members in each region. There is also a section where you can review consumer available products by category. We hope you make the choice to support our UAW members by spending your money on products and services they make possible. Finding union-made products can be difficult because few items are labeled “union-made.” However, this guide provides you with a list of tools for locating UAW-made goods
Celebrate the Victories of the Past, the Promise of the Future The hours are brutally long; overtime pay doesn’t exist. Workplace safety is unheard of. Limbs are lost, and yet the machines grind on, indifferent to your suffering. Do you want to keep your job and feed your family? Your boss wants his roof repaired and a gift of his favorite liquor, too

The labor movement isn’t content to merely survive in an era when anti-union lawmakers control both chambers of Congress – we’re moving forward, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told delegates at the 2018 UAW Community Action Program (CAP) Conference in Washington, D.C.

“It’s time to drop our shield, pick up our sword and go on offense for a while,” Trumka said.

First, NAACP President Derrick Johnson explained that there definitely is a connection between civil rights and labor. As a matter of fact, they are natural allies. And two, just as with other progressive coalitions and allies, we must stay sharply focused on the next five years to turn the tide on the attacks from the right.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who represents most of Seattle and adjoining areas, came to America from India all on her own at 16 years old to attend college at Georgetown University because her parents wanted her to have a good education and opportunities. The first Indian-American in the U.S. House of Representatives, says the term “chain migration” is a derogatory term used to scapegoat immigrants.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who represents most of Seattle and adjoining areas, came to America from India all on her own at 16 years old to attend college at Georgetown University because her parents wanted her to have a good education and opportunities. The first Indian-American in the U.S. House of Representatives, says the term “chain migration” is a derogatory term used to scapegoat immigrants.

Republicans talk a good game. In fact, Sen. Debbie Stabenow said that she thought President Trump might have borrowed her speeches on the campaign trail in 2016 as he wooed workers who wanted something different out of Washington.

“You know what the problem is? You have to do more than talk or have symbols,” Stabenow told delegates at the 2018 UAW Community Action Program (CAP) Conference on Wednesday. “You have to act.”

For instance, she said, Trump promised that on Day 1 of his administration, he would address currency manipulation.

Photo by Jessie Jesson, UAW Local 686

At present, the stock market is doing well and has been since former President Barack Obama’s economic policies -- including the rescue of the domestic auto industry -- brought our nation back from the Great Recession.

“But what good is that if Americans remain in low-wage jobs, can only work part-time or do not have the benefits they need for their families?” Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts asked delegates at the 2018 UAW Community Action Program (CAP) Conference on Wednesday.